Kevin and Esteban have returned from Querétaro, Mexico--a thriving city of 1.6 million inhabitants, but with only a 1% evangelical foundation.
Thank you for your prayers for Kevin and Esteban Amaya as they ministered with Edwin and Olivia Perez, and other ministry partners. OUR PRAYER is that this can be--in the future--one of the IBAC training points for pastors. (For more information about IBAC, click here.)
Since our last update (highlights below), Edwin, Esteban, and Kevin had the opportunity to preach in a local church and also hold an Evantell Seminar. Evantell Seminars teach Christians how to share the gospel in relational ways, pointing to the bad news and the good news of the Gospel message.
Please pray with us now as we travel through the month of July--Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania--visiting churches and family, many visits that we were unable to achieve last year. These trips do generate a lot of expenses. If the Lord would lead you to help, donations can be made by check (please send to Grace Global ministries, PO Box 12, Cedarville, OH 45314, with a memo for Reilly) or via online donation, please click here. . THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN!
Below: meeting with groups of Latinos working their way to the United States via the railways. The group gave out care packages and shared the gospel with groups and with individuals.
Below: sharing the gospel at the New Hope rehab center.
Please continue to pray for the follow-up growth from these opportunities.
If you would like to help with travel expenses for this and the furlough trip, please click here.