As shared in our recent post, on March 18 Kevin will be traveling to Bolivia with a few other men to minister directly and to encourage in person several pastors there. Kevin, Esteban, and Brian will be taking to pastors various supplies for the ministry as well as practical family provisions. The pastors who we are ministering to individually are part of the larger group through which we have had the blessing to teach theological course modules to pastors in Bolivia. As many of you know, besides blessing pastors with more theological training, we also have the strong desire to help with practical needs. A key to the great commission is taking care of our national pastors.
Part of that effort this time includes bringing down some tablets for those pastors. Installed on the tablets will be theological study materials in Spanish by authors such as A.W.Tozer, John Piper, Warren Wiersbe, J.Vernon McGee, John Macarthur, and others.
We also have the opportunity to purchase Ryrie study Bibles in Spanish for $37 each (price discount of over 50%). These study Bibles will be a great resource for the pastors for whom they are provided.
Thank you to those who have given already. And if you would like to help with financing the trip or any of these gifts, we would be so thankful. But even more importantly, please continue to pray for pastors in Latin America, and for the team traveling to encourage and share.
If you are able to make a donation and would like to do so electronically, please go to, page down to and click on the Donate button. You will be taken to Grace Baptist payment page. After completing personal and donation information, at bottom of that page, choose Giving Type: Grace Global Ministries. IMPORTANT: in the Notes, indicate the gift is for Coffee/Pastors. For questions or other donation options, please write to