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Writer's pictureTia Louise Reilly

A new year with so much to do!

A new year with so much to do, and we are already full throttle! Please keep us in your prayers:

This week features:

Summer Camp! Several of our school and church students are away in Guanacaste at the Word of Life camp. With those students at Sojourn Tia has been leading the teachers in a mini-camp-on-campus week with the theme of Growing in Christ, Growing our Community.

The week has been filled with personal quiet times, special chapels and speakers, inspirational movies, and work projects around the campus. Tia has had a lot of responsibility in the organization and follow-through of this week, and she particularly requests prayer that each student grows from whatever point he/she is to a closer one in relationship with the Lord.

The youth from our church have been performing an evangelistic drama at our church and other churches in the area. This outreach is done all in blacklight, and this week, the teens took it to a camp about an hour away to perform for the campers. Several have come to Christ through the message; please pray that it continues to reach Costa Rican youth.

Chaplaincy Training: Module 2 The Chaplain and Biblical Proclamation—This Thursday through Saturday will feature Carlos Cunningham and Kevin teaching through lessons on homiletics to the 16 approved-by-the-government chaplains-in-training. Other volunteers also attend, eager to learn and be trained. We still work toward the translation of the material provided by Wheaton college for these studies. We are so encouraged and thankful for the provision of $20,000 by Grace Baptist Church in Cedarville, OH, to make this translation of materials and videos possible. A government prison director will be coming to the sessions to see the ministry and training we are doing.

Voice of Liberty, the prison ministry with which we help in ministry continues to work in prisons around the country, and with 17 churches WITHIN the prisons—including incorporating Lifeline Global ministries materials in 5 prisons. An ongoing need that Voice of Liberty has is that of printing materials for the inmates—primarily Bible studies. If that is a ministry you would like to help with, please donate through our web page or write us at

Coming up soon:

“Casa de Juicio”/”Judgement House” is a special drama performed by members of seven churches working together. According to the official website, “Judgement House is a walk-through drama that presents the truth of people's choices versus the consequences of those decisions both in this life and the next.” Please pray for our church community as they present, February 7-10, to those who need to see truth in the strong light of judgement.

Pastoral training modules in 2019: our first of the 2019 IBAC (Institutos Bíblicos de las Américas y el Caribe/Bible Institutes of the Americas and the Caribbean) training modules for local pastors and church leaders will start up in February—the 11th to 15th. Last year saw four such modules: 3 in San Jose at the institute, and 1 in Bolivia. Once again on the campus of the institute, we will be training pastors and leaders throughout the evenings of a week, from 3:30-

9:00pm (supper included!) to continue the studies for those who began last year. Due to the bi-vocational nature of pastors here in Costa Rica, our focus is to provide for pastors and lay workers the opportunity to learn and earn a degree during the evenings.

Our current needs:

We are grateful for the $300 out of $500 that we need to raise to help meet ministry costs. Several of you have encouraged us through your increases and gifts. We still need to raise the other $200/month in order to meet costs.

Also we look to purchase a home within the next month, Lord willing. It’s an exciting and practical opportunity as we look to invest rather than rent. The money for the home we have due to the sell of our home in the states. However, we will need to purchase appliances and some pieces of furniture. If you would like to give toward that, please go to the home page of our web site (click here) where you can donate online. If you would like to give in another way, please write us at

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